Vernier LabQuest Emulator User Manual
Vernier Software

Welcome to Vernier LabQuest Emulator 1.5
The LabQuest Emulator (LQM) is computer software that can be used to demonstrate the functions
of a LabQuest on a computer. Usually this is done in order to project the image for a group
presentation. The emulator performs almost all functions of the LabQuest itself, including collecting
data from a LabQuest unit connected to the computer.
The emulator will also allow the easy collection of screen images. This is useful in creating
documentation for LabQuest.
This version of LQM contains LabQuest App version 1.5, released in March 2011. The LQM also
includes other applications, including the Periodic Table and Stopwatch. The Audio Function
Generator and Power Amplifier applications will start, but they cannot control the output of an
attached LabQuest. These two applications are provided for the purpose of demonstrating the user
interface and for collection screen shots. A future version of LabQuest Emulator may allow control
of a LabQuest audio output.
LQM is available for Windows XP (32 bit only), Vista (32 and 64 bit) and Windows 7 (32 and 64 bit)
Collect Data with LabQuest Emulator
Here’s how to quickly collect some data with LQM.
Wake up your LabQuest by pressing the silver power button on the upper left corner.
Connect a sensor (auto-ID capable) to one of the ports on your LabQuest.
Launch LQM. After a short startup delay, LQM will find the LabQuest, and then detect the
At this point click on the LQM screen, using the computer mouse, in the same way you
would tap the actual LabQuest screen using the stylus. Consult the LabQuest Reference
Guide for details on the use of LabQuest App.
Choose Copy Screen from the Edit menu to place a copy of the current LabQuest screen on
your computer clipboard. This is useful for creating documentation.
Sample data files are provided with LQM. Choose Open from the File menu in LabQuest
App, and then open the folder titled sample_data.
LQM can open data files from a real LabQuest if they are placed in a special folder before
LQM is launched. If you copy files to this location after LQM is launched, they will not be
visible until you exit and restart LQM.
Save a LabQuest file to a USB drive or SD card using Save from the file menu in
LabQuest App.
Copy this file to your computer, and place in the folder LQM_user_files, located in
c:/Program Files/Vernier Software/ LabQuest Emulator/. (Non-default installations
may have a different location. A shortcut to this folder is placed in your Start menu
under Vernier Software by the LQM installer.
Launch LQM.
Choose Open from the File menu in LabQuest App, and navigate to the
LQM_user_files folder. Select your file, and click Open.
Since the LQM cannot communicate with a spectrometer or the LabQuest internal
microphone, we have provided virtual versions of these sensors for demonstration
purposes. Only one virtual sensor can be used at a time.