Safety relay pnoz s7.1, For your safety, Unit features – Pilz PNOZ s7.1 C 24VDC 3 n/o 1 n/c cascade User Manual

Page 3: Safety features

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PNOZ s7.1

Operating Manual PNOZ s7.1


Safety relay PNOZ s7.1

The unit meets the requirements of EN 60947-5-1, EN 60204-1 and VDE 0113-1. The con-
tact expansion module is used to increase the number of instantaneous safety contacts
available on a base unit. Base units are all safety relays with feedback loop monitoring.
The category that can be achieved in accordance with EN ISO 13849-1 depends on the
category of the base unit. The contact expansion module may not exceed this.

For your safety


Only install and commission the unit if you have read and understood these operating

instructions and are familiar with the applicable regulations for health and safety at work
and accident prevention.
Ensure VDE and local regulations are met, especially those relating to safety.


Any guarantee is rendered invalid if the housing is opened or unauthorised modifica-

tions are carried out.

Unit features


Relay outputs:

– 3 safety contacts (N/O), instantaneous


Safe separation of safety contacts 13-14, 23-24, 33-34 from all other circuits


Supply voltage for expansion modules


LED for:

– Supply voltage at B1 and B2
– Input status, channel 1
– Input status, channel 2
– Switch status of the safety contacts
– Fault


Plug-in connection terminals (either spring-loaded terminal or screw terminal)

Safety features

The unit meets the following safety requirements:


The contact expander module expands an existing circuit. As the output relays are

monitored via the base unit's feedback loop, the safety functions on the existing circuit
are transferred to the contact expander module.


The safety function remains effective in the case of a component failure.


Earth fault in the feedback loop:

Detected, depending on the base unit that is used.


Earth fault in the input circuit:

The output relays de-energise and the safety contacts open.

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