Cabletron Systems 7C03 User Manual
Page 67

Viewing an Alarm Log
Basic Alarm Configuration
Displays the value of the 7C0x’s sysUpTime when the alarm instance occurred (in
timeticks by default, but perhaps converted by your MIB utility into days
hours:minutes:seconds format). You can compare this value to the device’s
current sysUpTime to get a general idea when the alarm condition occurred.
The logDescription object provides a detailed description of the alarm event,
including a piece of information critical to making sense of the logTable
information: the OID of the alarm variable, including its instance — which
corresponds to the 7C0x interface on which the alarm was configured. (The
instance value is the last value in the OID string.) Other descriptive information
provided includes whether it was a rising or falling event, the index number
assigned to the alarm, the alarmSampleType (always 2, or delta), the value that
triggered the alarm, the configured threshold that was crossed, and a description
of the alarm occurrence (either Falling Threshold or Rising Threshold).
Note that each logTable will hold only a finite number of entries, which is
determined by the resources available on the device; when the log is full, the
oldest entries will be replaced by new ones.