Adding cvsm to a connex csk installation – Welch Allyn Connex CSK 4.1.X - Installation Guide User Manual

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Welch Allyn Connex CSK software

Adding CVSM to a Connex CSK installation

The Connex VSM is only supported on CSK installations of version 4.0 and higher, so you
must verify that your Connex CSK installation is valid before proceeding.

To verify if your Connex CSK installation is valid


Navigate to the Welch Allyn installation directory (by default C:\Program Files\Welch


Open versions.txt and search for the term “Full Connectivity Package.” Verify that the
version listed here is greater than or equal to 4.0 (4.0.0.x).


If the version is less than 4.0, follow the instructions listed in the readme.txt file on
the CD for “Updating from Connex CSK Version 3.0 to Version 4.0.”

Once you have either confirmed you are using CSK 4.0, or have upgraded to it, you may
need to add custom XSLT configurations to handle data from your CVSM device.

To add custom XSLT configurations to handle data from a CVSM device


Open the Data Catcher configuration page through the system tray icon. Click on
Information Network on the left.


To add a new data path for the device, click Add next to Host Index. This will add a
new, empty host configuration and the Host Index field will update to represent the
index of the new entry.


If you wish to communicate with a information host that will receive device data,
enter the Host address and port information in the appropriate fields. Check the
Reuse Connection and SSL options if needed.


If you wish to write device data to a file on the local PC, select the Write Output to
option. Fill in an appropriate directory where you would like the output data to be


Check the Use XML payload option under the Payload settings field.


Select any custom XSLT sheets that will be used to transform device data to the
format compatible with the host system’s interface.



During the installation process of CSK 4.0, make sure that the existing devices are
selected along with the CVSM.



In some very specific cases, the “Use binary payload” option can be used if no
XML transformation is desired. However, this option requires an intimate
knowledge of the WACP binary protocol formats, and should only be selected if
you have worked with a Welch Allyn engineer to develop your interface.



The XSLTs used for custom interfaces are ones you develop. Welch Allyn can
provide support and consultation in developing these XSLTs, but maintenance and
verification of them is your facility’s responsibility.