Welch Allyn Connex CSK 4.1.X - Installation Guide User Manual
Page 28

Welch Allyn Connex CSK software
5 Automatic host
In certain system configurations, the IP address of the external host is either not known at
configuration time, or not static. In these cases, the IP address of the host cannot be
determined ahead of time, and must be resolved at the time that connections to the host are
attempted. This feature uses an integrated DCP client to find hosts automatically when
devices send messages to Data Catcher.
When this option is enabled, the “Host IP Address” and “Host Port” fields are disabled, as
this setting overrides those options. Also, the “Host Type” option becomes enabled, and lets
you choose which hosts they would like to find automatically when messages are routed
through the system.
6 Host type
When the “Automatic Host Resolution” option is enabled, this option becomes available. It
lets you choose which external host types to look for when finding automatic hosts.
There are two fields associated with this option – a manually edited numeric field, and a
dropdown box of predefined selections. If no host types are known that match the index, a
value of “Unknown” is displayed.
7 Host address
This is the IPv4, dot-separated address, or DNS lookup name for the external information
host where device data will be forwarded.
Note: The connection established with the information host is a standard TCP connection.
8 Host port
This is the application port value available on the external information host where Data
Catcher will connect.
9 Reuse
This option enables of disables the connection reuse algorithm. When this option is
enabled, messages from all devices to a single information host will be routed through a
single, established connection, synchronously. If no connection is available, a new
connection is established.
When this option is disabled, a new asynchronous TCP connection is established every time
a new data message is forwarded to an information host.
10 SSL option
This option enables or disables the use of SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) encryption when
communicating with an information host.
When this option is enabled, an SSL session is established whenever a connection is made
to the configured information host. All messages that are transmitted to the information
host are then encrypted with the SSL algorithms.
When this option is disabled, a standard, un-encrypted TCP connection is used.
11 Payload type
This option determines if Data Catcher will forward WACP-formatted XML data, or binary
data to external information hosts.
Note: If an outbound XSLT file is specified, the WACP-formatted XML is translated using
that file and then sent. If no file is specified, the XML is sent directly without translation.
12 XSLT Clear
These buttons will clear the selected XSLT file for the associated field. This will not delete
the XSLT files from the related directory. It will only remove the assignment of that XSLT file
for message processing in Data Catcher.
13 Outbound XSLT
The outbound XSLT field is used to specify the location of an .xsl file that will be used to
translate data from a device to the format accepted by the information host. You can browse
for an .xsl file, which will be copied and saved to Data Catcher’s own local storage directory.
All data collected from devices is translated from the native binary format from the device to
the XML format. At that point, the XML data is then transformed using the provided
outbound XSLT sheet, and forwarded to the specified external information host. This allows
an administrator to provide a specialized transformation sheet designed for the information
host that will format the data to fit the needs of the information host’s interface.