Losi LOSB0024 User Manual
Page 14

1. Select a receiver with a long antenna, such as the
Spektrum SR3300T receiver.
2. Use double-sided tape to secure the receiver in the
receiver box.
3. Route the receiver antenna through the hole in the
receiver box lid.
4. Use the body clip to secure the receiver box lid.
NOTICE: It is necessary to rebind when different failsafe positions are desired or when throttle or steering reversing has been changed.
NOTICE: It is necessary to rebind when different failsafe positions are desired or when throttle or steering reversing has been changed.
CAUTION: It is necessary to rebind when different failsafe positions are desired or when throttle or steering reversing has been changed.
1. Wählen Sie einen Empfänger mit langer Antenne wie
den Spektrum SR3300T Empfänger.
2. Kleben Sie den Empfänger mit doppelseitigem
Klebeband ein.
3. Führen Sie die Antenne durch das Loch in der
4. Sichern Sie den Deckel mit den Clips.
NOTICE: It is necessary to rebind when different failsafe positions are desired or when throttle or steering reversing has been changed.
NOTICE: It is necessary to rebind when different failsafe positions are desired or when throttle or steering reversing has been changed.
ACHTUNG: Sollten Sie andere Failsafe Positionen wünschen oder wurde die Gas- oder Lenkfunktion reversiert oder geändert, ist es notwendig das
System neu zu binden.
1. Sélectionnez un récepteur avec une longue antenne,
comme les récepteurs Spektrum SR3300T.
2. Utilisez du double-face pour fixer le récepteur dans
son compartiment.
3. Glissez l’antenne dans l’orifice du couvercle du
compartiment à récepteur.
4. Utilisez un clip à carrosserie pour verrouiller le couvercle.
NOTICE: It is necessary to rebind when different failsafe positions are desired or when throttle or steering reversing has been changed.
NOTICE: It is necessary to rebind when different failsafe positions are desired or when throttle or steering reversing has been changed.
ATTENTION: Il est nécessaire de reprogrammer le failsafe quand vous souhaitez des positions différentes ou quand vous avez modifié la direction
de la voie des gaz ou de la direction.
1. Scegliere un ricevitore con un'antenna lunga,
come ad esempio il modello Spektrum SR3300T.
2. Per fissare il ricevitore nella sua scatola, usare del
nastro biadesivo.
3. Far passare il filo dell'antenna ricevente attraverso
il foro nel coperchio.
4. Usare le clips da carrozzeria per fissare il coperchio
della scatola ricevitore.
NOTICE: It is necessary to rebind when different failsafe positions are desired or when throttle or steering reversing has been changed.
NOTICE: It is necessary to rebind when different failsafe positions are desired or when throttle or steering reversing has been changed.
ATTENZIONE: Quando si cambia la posizione del fail safe o si fa un'inversione dei servi sterzo o motore, bisogna rifare la connessione (binding).
1. Seleccione un receptor con un cable de antena
suficientemente largo, como el SR3300T.
2. Use cinta de doble cara para fijar el receptor
en la caja del receptor.
3. Guíe el cable de antena a través del agujero
de la tapa de la caja del receptor.
4. Use el clip de carrocería para asegurar la tapa
de la caja del receptor.
NOTICE: It is necessary to rebind when different failsafe positions are desired or when throttle or steering reversing has been changed.
NOTICE: It is necessary to rebind when different failsafe positions are desired or when throttle or steering reversing has been changed.
CUIDADO: Es necesario reasignar el equipo de radio si cambian las posiciones de failsafe y si se invierten los canales de acelerador o dirección.
inSTallinG The receiVer // inSTallinG The receiVer // inSTallaTion Du
récepTeur // inSTallazione Del riceViTore // inSTalación Del recepTor
Losi 5ive-T • iNsTrucTioN maNuaL
Losi 5ive-T • iNsTrucTioN maNuaL