Kontron AT8242 User Manual
Page 81

Table 4-49:IPMB-L Link State sensor
Table 4-50:FRUInfo Agent sensor
Event/Reading Type Code
Sensor Type
Sensor Specific Offset Event Trigger
Standard IPMI
sensor specific
OEM Kontron
02h IPMB-L Disable
Event Data 2: always 0
Event Data 3:
bit[7:3]: always 0
bit [2:0]:
0h = no failure
1h = Unable to drive clock HI
2h = Unable to drive data HI
3h = Unable to drive clock LO
4h = Unable to drive data LO
5h = clock low timeout
6h = Under test (the IPM Controller
is attempting to determine
who is causing a bus hang)
07h = Undiagnosed
Communication Failure
03h IPMB-L Enable
Event/Reading Type Code
Sensor Type
Sensor Specific Offset Event Trigger
Standard IPMI
OEM Kontron
FRU Info Agent
00h Device running
Event Data 2 is used a bit flag error
Bit 7: unspecifiedError
Bit 6: notPresentError
Bit 5: multirecHeaderError
Bit 4: multirecDataError
Bit 3: timeout error
Bit 2: ipmcError
Bit 1: fruDataError
Bit 0: commonHeaderError
Event Data 3 is used a bit flag error
Bit 7: SetClockState Not Supported
Bit 6: SetClockState Error
Bit 5: SetPortState Not Supported
Bit 4: SetPortState Error
Bit 3: Clock Internal mismatch
Bit 2: Clock Match Error
Bit 1: Internal mismatch
Bit 0: Match Error, Not in single link
01h Device in test /
Fia running
02h Power Off, FRU
not present
06h Transition to
08h Install Error