2 product overview, 2 product overview - 4, Introduction cp383 – Kontron CP383 User Manual

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© 2004 Kontron Modular Computers GmbH

ID 27784, Rev. 01





Product Overview

The CP383 Digital Input and Digital Output Controller is part of a comprehensive concept to
provide CompactPCI system integrators with a complete range of CompactPCI I/O products
which include the functions of analog input, analog output, digital input, and digital output im-
plemented as separate individual boards. This concept ensures a maximum degree of system
design flexibility thus allowing efficient and effective usage of available resources.

As an enhancement to this concept, the CP383 combination board has been designed to im-
plement digital input and digital output functions on one board. The CP383 is a 3U/4HP Com-
pactPCI board which provides 32 channels that are organized into 3 separate clusters, one
cluster consisting of 16 channels for digital input, and two clusters consisting of 8 channels
each for digital output.

The basic functions of this board are on the one hand to provide interfacing to the application
(process), perform D/D signal conversions, and to make raw digitized data available for further
processing via the 16 input channels, and on the other hand to provide a large number of au-
tomatically controlled, flexible digital outputs within a ruggedized board equipped with features
for electrical protection, such as overtemperature thermal shutdown, and overcurrent and un-
dervoltage protection via the output channels. Each of the two digital output clusters can be
configured for its own external supply voltage as required.

The major components involved in these processes are the front end (process side) signal con-
ditioning (digital input and digital output), the High Side Driver (HSD) switches (digital output),
and the Digital Input and Output Process and Communications (DIO ProComm) Controller
which is realized in a field-programmable gate array (FPGA). The DIO ProComm Controller is
designed to provide effective and efficient control of the digital input and output processes as
well as interfacing to the CPCI system controller.