Elecraft W1 User Manual

Page 8

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3. While holding the LED squarely on the PCB, wet the tip of your soldering iron with a small drop of solder and touch

it to one lead and solder pad on the bottom of the board to hold it in place.

4. Be sure the LED is against the board and perpendicular to it, and forms a straight line with the adjacent LEDs. If

needed, reheat the solder joint while straightening the LED.

5. When you are satisfied with the position of the LED, solder the other lead, then go back and properly solder the lead

you tack-soldered in place. Trim both leads flush with the bottom of the board.

__ 1.1

__ 1.2

 __ 1.3

__ 1.5

 __ 1.7

__ 2.0

__ 2.5

 __ 3.0

__ 5.0

 __ > 5

__ 1.5

__ 2

 __ 3

__ 4

 __ 5

__ 6

__ 8

 __ 10

__ 12

 __ 14

Install U3 and Q7 near the outline for battery pack BT1. The flat side of the case must be aligned with the flat side

of the silk screened outline on the board. When in position, it should be perpendicular to the board and standing between
1/16” and 1/8” (1.7 and 3 mm) above the board.

__ U3, (LM78L05)

 __ Q7 (2N3904). Take care not to install it in the space for Q6 by mistake.

Install stereo jack J3 over the outline for the DATA jack near U3. Be sure it is positioned against the board before

soldering all the pins. Do not apply heat longer than necessary. Excessive heat may damage the jack. The usual problem
with soldering jacks is that the soldering temperature is set too low and your iron can’t deliver heat fast enough to the larger
pins and solder pads.

Install power connector J4 next to J3. Be sure it is sitting square against the board before soldering all the pins.


Normally the battery holder will be installed on top of the board within the silk screened outline. However, if

you are planning to use the W1 in an enclosure, you may mount it on the bottom of the board or leave it off entirely if
the W1 will be powered only from an external source (see Assembly Options
on page 3).

Install battery B1 holder as follows:

Position the battery holder on the board within the outline. Be sure you have it on the correct side of the board.
Unless you have a special need, you will want to put it on the top side along with the other components. Do not
solder yet.
Attach the holder to the board with the 4-40 screws in four places, using lock washers and nuts. The screw heads
should be on the holder side so the battery will fit correctly. You may need to bend the battery holder terminals
slightly to align the screw holes with those in the board.
Solder the two terminals to the pads and trim them flush.


Normally the BNC jacks J2 and J2 will be installed on top of the board within the silk screened outline.

However, if you are planning to use the W1 in an enclosure, you may mount them on the bottom of the board or use
connectors that orient the jacks perpendicular to the board (see Assembly Options
on page 3).

Install battery BNC jacks J1 and J2. Normally they will go on the same side of the board with all the other components

positioned within the silk screened outlines. Note that there are extra ground solder pads provided for those who wish to
mount the jacks differently for use in an enclosure.

__ J1

__ J2