Stapl player exit codes – Achronix Bitporter User Manual

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Troubleshooting Exit Codes

Using the Achronix STAPL Player


Bitporter User Guide

STAPL Player Exit Codes

All negative exit codes refer to problems originating in acx_stapl_player itself, not problems
reported  by  the  STAPL  code.  Typically,  these  will  be  problems  encountered  reading  and
parsing the STAPL file, or problems during communication with the Bitporter pod.

Table 4-11: STAPL Player (acx_stapl_player) Exit Codes

Exit Code



Out Of Memory Error: The player had insufficient memory to complete the
requested STAPL Action. Call Achronix Technical Support.


File Access Error: The player was unable to find or read the specified STAPL
(*.jam) file. Verify the file path is correct and that file read permissions are


STAPL Syntax Error


a. There is a STAPL code error in the specified STAPL file. Either the file has become corrupt-
ed, or someone has tried to hand-edit the file. Regenerate the STAPL file in ACE and try again.
If the problem persists, contact Achronix Technical Support.


Unexpected End Of File



Undefined Symbol



Redefined Symbol



Integer Overflow



Divide By Zero



CRC Mismatch



Internal Error: Call Achronix Support.


Bounds Error



Type Mismatch



Assignment to Constant



NEXT Unexpected



POP Unexpected



RETURN Unexpected



Illegal Symbol Name



Vector Signal Name Not Found



Execution Cancelled: The user has aborted the execution of the selection
STAPL Action.


Stack Overflow: Call Achronix Technical Support.


Illegal Instruction Code



Phase Error



Scope Error



Action Not Found: The STAPL Action requested by the user was not found in
the specified STAPL (*.jam) file. Verify the spelling of the specified Action.


Illegal Command-line Arguments: The user included an illegal command-line
argument. The legal arguments are shown as part of the error message.