Shutter speed i, Tv shutter-priority ae – Canon Rebel T2 300X User Manual

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Tv Shutter-Priority AE

n this mode, you set the shutter speed and the camera sets the aperture vaiue
lutomatically to suit the subject brightness. A fast shutter speed can freeze the
notion of a fast-moving subject and a slo\w shutter speed can blur the subject to
)ive the impression of motion.

. stands for Time value which is the shutter speed.__________________

^ Turn the Mode Dial to


I Select the desired shutter speed.

■ • Turn the <|S> dial.

• The shutter speed can be set in half-stop


I Focus the subject.

^ ► The aperture value is set automatically,


A Check the viewfinder display and take

^the picture.

• If the aperture value display is not blinking,

a correct exposure will be obtained.


• If ihs maximum aperture value bbn^ it indcates

underexpctaire. Turn tlie ddt to sat a stfsuwr shutter
speed Ljitiime yinkirtg stops.

■ if the miniimjm apeitire value bHrte, H rxloetes

overexposure. Turn the dal to set a fastershutter
speed uitli the blirMrig stops

Shutter Speed I__

The shutter speeds frarn'^toiT to IridteatethedencnTmatoroflhetriictlo^
shutter speed. Forexampie, "/^^indcatos 1/125 sec. >Ajeo, "0*’'^lndlcdes07

вес, end indexes 15 sec.