Saving in jpeg file type, Image no, N only last image – Sony DSC-F1 User Manual

Page 106: Saving the camera images as another file type, The image recorded most recently is saved

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Saving the camera images as another file type


When the image list or
images of thecamera are

displayed, close them
before selecting [Save as

106 Capturing an image

Saving in JPEG file type

When you select [JPEG] file type, the window to
define the image quality (compression ratio) appears.

O Maximum Quality (Larg

1 Cancel ]

O High Quality

(•) Standard Quality

0 Low Quality (Smell)

1 * *

Usually, the higher image quality you select, the larger
file size with the lower compression ratio you get.
Select the image quality option and click [OK].

Saving the selected camera images

without opening them


Select [Save as File] in the Camera menu.

The [Save Camera Image] window appears.


Click [Selected Images] and select one of the three

options to specify the images to be saved.

□ Image No.

Input the image numbers of the first and last
images to be saved .All the images between the
specified image numbers are saved.


O AU Images

<•) Selected Images

® Image No.

|22 | - ¡22 |

No. Of Images 22

O Only Last Image

O Recorded Date

[ Cancel

n Only Last Image

The image recorded most recently is saved.

Save Camera Imao**

0 All Images

(g) Selected Images

O Image No

(S) Only Last Image

O Recorded Date