Txt2ps2 (linux/solaris/hp-ux) – Dell 3100cn Color Laser Printer User Manual

Page 102

background image


To print to the default printer:

If the printer is registered as the default printer, the name of the printer can be shortened and specified as shown in the following example.


To print to other printers:

To print to a printer named dell3100cn, type as follows.


To change the default printer temporarily for printing:

To change the default printer, set the printer name in the environment variable PRINTER.
To set a printer named dell3100cn as the default printer for printing, type as follows.


To print with added options:

To print with the options, specify the option of the lp command using -o as follows.
The available options are the same as txt2ps2/tiff2ps/xwd2ps2.
Depending on installed options, the available paper trays are different.


To print using file format:

To print text files:

To print XWD files:

To print TIFF format files:

To print PostScript files:

To print PostScript files as text files:

However, for PostScript files with options set up, such as paper selection, etc., when the same option is specified, it will be ignored.

txt2ps2 (Linux/Solaris/HP-UX)



/usr/local/dellbin3100cn/txt2ps2 [-d] [-D] [-Itray-input] [-t] [-2] [-r] [-F] [-l

lines] [-wcolumns] [-ooutcolumns] [-Loutlines] [-en] [-ssize] [-

E] [-ffont] [-Nc=copies

] [-ps] [-mg=up:bottom:right:left] [-Hd=position:format:page] [-Hffont] [-MSI] [-M=type] [-Mfo=mode] [-Pon] [-St=mode] [-


] [-Sb] [-Cm=mode] [-Pr=mode] [-Cc=mode]


] [-Sc=mode] [-Gg=mode] [-Ct] [filename...]



Reads text, converts it to the PostScript language program, and writes to standard output. If the filename is not specified, the standard input will be taken as
the command input.
By typing character strings in the environmental variable TXT2PS2OPTION, the input of option at the command line can be omitted.
At the environmental variable TXT2PS2OPTION and the command line, if no option is specified, the printer will output in 10-point font size in the portrait
At the environmental variable TXT2PS2OPTION and the command line, if the same option is specified, the one specified at the command line will prevail.
txt2ps2 outputs the PostScript language program that adjusts the line/column according to the paper size. For this reason, the user need not be aware of the
paper size. If there is an option to specify the line/column, automatic line feed according to the paper size will not be executed. Printing will be output

% lp filename

% lp -d dell3100cn filename

% setenv PRINTER dell3100cn

% lp filename

%lp -d dell3100cn -o r -o ILT filename

% lp -d dell3100cn filename

% lp -d dell3100cn -o XWD filename

% lp -d dell3100cn -o TIF filename

% lp -d dell3100cn filename

% lp -d dell3100cn -o TX filename