Introduction, Microplate manager 6 overview – Bio-Rad Microplate Manager Software User Manual
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This manual assumes that you are familiar with the standard commands and
functions associated with the Windows® or Mac
® operating system, such as
opening, closing, and saving files, and moving and clicking your mouse.
Some of the features and functions in Microplate Manger 6 will be slightly different
depending on which microplate reader you are using (xMark or iMark). These
differences are described in the text.
Microplate Manager 6 Overview
MPM 6 is designed to collect, analyze, and output absorbance data from Bio-Rad’s
microplate readers. It runs on a Windows® or Mac computer that is directly
connected to the reader. It features a standard user interface, with pulldown menus,
toolbars and keyboard shortcuts.
Using Microplate Manger 6, you first specify the type of reader you are using, the
type of reading you want to perform, and the layout of your microplate. Then you
can perform a read using the microplate reader. You can then display your results in
a variety of reports. And finally, you can print, save and/or export your data.
Select Reader
Set up Protocol
Reader Setup, Template, Analysis Parameters, Report Format, Print Settings
Save Protocol
Perform Reading
Analyze / Generate Reports
Save Data / Print / Export Data