Bio-Rad PharosFX™ and PharosFX Plus Systems User Manual

Page 25

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3. Depress and release the filter wheel advance switch until the desired emission filter

location is presented. Filter cubes are identified by a wavelength and catalog number
label, which should be clearly visible.

4. If a filter cube is to be removed from the slot do so by gently pulling the cube towards


5. To install a new filter, hold the cube with the mounting slots on the left hand side. Align

the cube's mounting slots with the guides located on the filter wheel and gently push
the cube onto the guides.

6. Replace the filter port cover and tighten the two black retaining screws.

7. Note the filter position in order to configure the application and select it correctly in

Quantity One.

Note: Do not operate the scanner with the filter port cover removed.

Fig.4.5. Emission filter port

Fig. 4.6. Adding a new emission filter.