Appendix d: glossary – Bio-Rad Experion Protein Analysis Kits User Manual

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Appendix D: Glossary

% Total
Calculation performed by Experion

software to

show the percent of the total protein comprised by
a particular peak; used in purity assessments

Absolute quantitation
Method of quantitation of a defined protein in
which concentrations are determined against a
calibration curve, which is usually generated using
the same protein

All-wells view
Mode of display within the electropherogram view
wherein electropherograms of all wells are shown


Line of initial data that serves as the control, or
signal representing no fluorescence

Calibration curve

Curve of fluorescence intensity (signal) as a
function of protein concentration; generated using
various known concentrations of a specific protein
and used for calculating the protein concentration
of samples

Microfluidic device used to perform separation
using the Experion system


Trace recording of signal (fluorescence
intensity) as a function of time; displayed in the
electropherogram view

Electropherogram view

Portion of the Experion software user interface
dedicated to display of electropherogram data

Electrophoresis station

Instrument that houses all the electrical, optical,
and hardware components necessary to perform
separation, staining, destaining, band detection,
and imaging of samples; equipped with a universal
power supply to operate at 100–240 V, 50–60 Hz

Gel priming well

Well of the microfluidics chip used to fill the
microchannels of the chip with gel-stain solution
(GS) during priming

Gel-stain solution (GS)
A mixture of gel matrix and stain; used for sample
separation and detection

Gel view

Portion of the Experion software user interface
dedicated to display of virtual gel data

Internal standard

Protein added to the sample for quantitation; can
be either the upper marker (260 kD), which is
included in the Pro260 sample buffer, or a user-
defined protein (that is baseline resolved from the
sample peak being quantitated) added to each
sample at a known concentration


Microfluidic “lab-on-a-chip” technology developed
by Caliper Life Sciences; the Experion automated
electrophoresis system was built on LabChip

LDS micelle-protein complex
Micelle of the detergent lithium dodecyl sulfate
(LDS) bound with protein(s)

Lithium dodecyl sulfate (LDS)
Anionic detergent that may be used in place
of sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS) for denaturing

Lower marker
1.2 kD marker included in the Experion Pro260
sample buffer and used to normalize the
separation of proteins across all wells in the chips

Fine channels approximately the diameter of a
human hair are used for samples separation in
Experion microfluidic chips

Microfluidic technology (microfluidics)
Multidisciplinary field comprising physics,
chemistry, engineering, and biotechnology that
deals with the behavior, precise control, and
manipulation of microliter and nanoliter volumes
of fluids

Sample condition that does not include reducing
agents for the reduction of disulfide bonds


Technical Support: 1-800-4BIORAD • 1-800-424-6723 •

Experion Automated Electrophoresis System