Plate list details, Reports – Bio-Rad CFX Automation System II User Manual
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CFX Automation System II
Chapter 2: Using the CFX Automation System II
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Plate List Details
Plate List Defaults
Customize the protocol, LIMS, or PrimePCR file and plate files displayed in the dropdown menu
when the application is opened. Because LIMS and PrimePCR files contain both protocol and
plate information within the single file, when these files are selected, the Plate File dropdown
box is disabled.
Data File Destination Directory
Specify the location for data files generated by CFX Manager Software. The data file directory
information set in this window overrides directory settings set in CFX Manager Software.
File Name Format
Use the dropdown menus to define the file name format. Free form text can be entered in the
prefix and suffix boxes. The time and date field is required in all file names. A preview of the
sample name is displayed.
Alternatively, file names can be directly imported from a LIMS or PrimePCR file by selecting Use
LIMS or PrimePCR Data File as name on the main plate list tab. The information entered in
the Data File field in the LIMS import file will be used as the file name (see LIMS Information).
Selecting this option will override any naming selection chosen in the dropdown menus.
Default Plate List
This allows you to have a particular plate list loaded each time the application is opened. By
default, no plate list is displayed. To have a plate list always displayed at application startup,
select Open this Plate List at Startup and choose a plate list you have previously saved.
Generate PDF Reports
By selecting this box, a PDF report will be automatically generated when a run is completed.
There is also a Report column on the plate list screen. This column allows you to easily
determine if a report will be generated. You may also create reports for individual plates by
selecting or deselecting this column for individual plates.
Report File Destination Directory
This section allows you to specify the storage location for the reports.
Use CFX Manager Default Report Template
This section determines the template used for reports. When selected, the report template
specified in CFX Manager Software will be used. To change the default report template in
CFX Manager Software, go to User > User preferences > Custom export and select the
export items you would like included.