Step 1: create the plate list, Step 2: select the cfx system(s), Step 3: modify the barcode controls – Bio-Rad CFX Automation System II User Manual

Page 31: Step 4: load the plates

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CFX Automation System II

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Chapter 2: Using the CFX Automation System II

Step 1: Create the Plate List

Use the plate list controls (Figure 19) to add plates to a plate list:


Select protocol, LIMS, or PrimePCR file — use the dropdown menu or browse function
to select the desired protocol, Laboratory Information Management Systems (LIMS) file, or
PrimePCR file. Protocols must be created and saved using CFX Manager Software. Because
LIMS and PrimePCR files contain both protocol and plate information, when one of these files
is selected, the plate file dropdown box will be disabled. For additional information on LIMS,
see LIMS Information. For additional information on PrimePCR, see PrimePCR Information


Select plate file — use the dropdown menu or browse function to select the desired plate
file. Plate files must be created and saved using CFX Manager Software


Select Add — a new entry with the selected files will be added to the plate list. If no rows on
the plate list are selected, the new entry will be added to the bottom of the plate list. If a row
in the plate list is selected, the new row will be inserted directly below the selected row

Tip: See Create the Plate List: Additional Features for tips to quickly add files to a plate list and
information on editing and saving plate lists.

Step 2: Select the CFX System(s)

If a single CFX System is configured, all plates will automatically go to that CFX System and this
step can be skipped.

If two CFX Systems are connected, designate the CFX System(s) on which the plates should be
run. Select Front CFX System and/or Rear CFX System on the desired plate list (Figure 19). If
both 96-well and 384-well CFX Systems are configured, each CFX System must be controlled
by an individual plate list and the source rack must contain only 96-well or 384-well plates.

Note: If two separate plate lists have the same CFX System(s) selected, the software will
alternate running plates from each plate list until the automation run is complete.

Step 3: Modify the Barcode Controls

Select or deselect the Scan Barcodes option in the barcode controls section of the plate list
tab (Figure 19).

Select the Match Barcodes option to match scanned barcodes to plate list barcode
information and pair the cycling and plate protocols accordingly.

For more information on barcode options, see Barcode Settings: Advanced Features.

Step 4: Load the Plates

If using Bio-Rad’s Microseal


'B' optical seals, peel off the seal end tabs after sealing the

plates. Place the plates in the source rack. The source rack can be identified by the tab name
on the plate list page, for example Rack 1. Well A1 should face out toward the exterior of the
plate handler (Figure 20).