Testing ir integration, Learning ir in mirrored mode, Learning ir in cascade mode – ClearOne PAN6400 User Manual
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NetStreams Panorama System Installation Guide
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Every source connects the audio to a MediaLinX to digitize the audio for the DigiLinX
system. Each of the video sources also connect to the appropriate SOURCE INPUT
ports on the PAN6400 VDC with component video cables.
In the six rooms with access to video sources, a Panorama VP700 connects to the
PAN6400 VDC.
Learn the IR for the HD-DVD player into the attached MediaLinX, which is Source 1.
Connect the 3.5 mm male to 3.5 mm male IR extension cable from the MediaLinX to
the IR INPUT for the Source 1 on the back of the VDC, and the IR Emitter from IR
OUTPUT of Source 1 on the VDC to the IR eye on the HD-DVD player. Now, IR
commands coming from either the MediaLinX, or routed from the VP700 in the
remote room are routed to the HD-DVD player.
Testing IR Integration
Program an IR code according to the procedure outlined above.
To test IR pass-through abilities, point the source remote at the VP700 IR Emitter and
press a button. The IR code should pass through the Video Port, the PAN6400 VDC,
and arrive at the source that performs the action selected on the remote.
To test the IR commands learned into the MediaLinX, press a button on a TouchLinX
that learned a source command into the PAN6400 VDC. The source should perform
the action selected.
Learning IR in Mirrored Mode
In an integrated and cascaded installation, you do not need to store any IR codes in the
PAN6400 VDC that is connecting the coaxial digital (S/PDIF) audio.
Learning IR in Cascade Mode
When using mirrored mode with an integrated PAN6400 VDC and DigiLinX
installation, each PAN6400 VDC stores display IR codes. Up to six displays connect to
a PAN6400 VDC (through a Video Port), and you only store IR commands for the
displays connected to it. This means each PAN6400 VDC in the installation stores
some of the IR codes.