Winchester Repeating Arms X Pump (SXP) User Manual

Page 7

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20 be Certain your FirearM is unloaded

beFore Cleaning.

Because so many firearm accidents occur when a

firearm is being cleaned, special and extreme care

should be taken to be sure your firearm is unloaded

before disassembly, cleaning and reassembly.

Keep ammunition away from the cleaning location.

Never test the mechanical function of any firearm with
live ammunition.

21 teaCh and suPervise FirearMs saFety to

all MeMbers oF your FaMily, esPeCially
to Children and non-shooters.

Closely supervise newcomers to the shooting sports.

Encourage enrollment in hunting and shooting

safety courses.

22 never drinK alCoholiC beverages or taKe any

tyPe oF drugs beFore or during shooting.

Your vision, motor skills and judgment could be

dangerously impaired, making your gun handling

unsafe to you and to others.

23 read and heed all warnings in this owner’s

Manual, on aMMunition boxes and with all
aCCessories that you install on your FirearM.

It is your responsibility to secure the most up-to-date

information on the safe handling procedures of your

Winchester firearm. We assume no liability for

incidents which occur when unsafe or improper firearm

accessories or ammunition combinations are used.

24 PraCtiCe PeriodiC MaintenanCe, avoid

unauthoriZed serviCing.

Your firearm is a mechanical device which will not last

forever, and as such, is subject to wear and requires

periodic inspection, adjustment and service.

Winchester firearms should be serviced by a

Winchester Repeating Arms Authorized Repair

Center or by our Service Facility in Arnold, Missouri.

We assume no responsibility for injuries suffered or

caused by unauthorized servicing, alterations or

modifications of Winchester firearms.

25 we reserve the right to reFuse serviCe on

FirearMs that have been altered, added to
or substantially Changed.

Removal of metal from the barrel, or modifications

of the firing mechanism and/or operating parts, may

lead to a refusal of service on such firearms. We will

charge you for parts and labor to return the firearm to

original specifications.

do not, under any CirCuMstanCes, alter
the trigger, “saFety” or other Parts oF
the Firing MeChanisM oF this or any other
FirearM. Failure to obey this warning May
result in injury or death to yourselF
or others.

b e C a r e F u l !