Winchester Repeating Arms X Pump (SXP) User Manual
Page 32

2. Ensure the hammer is in the cocked position by
pushing it straight back until it locks into place
and the “safety” is in the on safe position.
3. Turn the shotgun over with the open bottom of the
receiver facing upward. Hold the trigger group at an
angle to the receiver (about 45 degrees) and then
engage the front tabs on the trigger group with the
corresponding slots in the magazine throat at the
forward end of receiver opening as shown in Figure 13
on page 28.
4. Carefully insert the front of the trigger group into the
receiver opening, then lower the rear into the receiver
opening until it is parallel with the receiver. It may be
necessary to slide the forearm into different positions
until the trigger group fits flush into the receiver.
When properly installed it will fit easily and the
trigger group pin hole will be in alignment.
NOTICE! be CareFul when reinstalling the
trigger grouP. never ForCe Parts into Position.
do not atteMPt to install the bolt asseMbly
aFter the trigger grouP is installed. Failure
to Follow these instruCtions May daMage
your FirearM.
5. Align the trigger group with the hole in the receiver
and push the trigger group pin through the receiver
until it is flush with both sides of the receiver. The
pin should pass through easily with little force.
If significant resistance is felt, remove the trigger
group and repeat step one.
Your firearm is now fully assembled. Immediately confirm
that the “safety” is in the on safe position. Take time to
wipe down and clean all external surfaces as explained
under “Cleaning and Maintenance Suggestions” on
page 23.
NOTICE! do not taKe your FirearM’s aCtion aPart
beyond what is exPlained in this owner’s
Manual. this is a sPeCialiZed, Finely Fitted
MeChanisM; any atteMPt to disasseMble the
inner MeChanisM May Mar it For liFe. it is
unneCessary, and May do daMage to the inner
MeChanisM to disasseMble it For routine
Cleaning and oiling. oF Course, MisFortunes
(suCh as droPPing your FirearM in water)
require aPProPriate attention, and in suCh
CirCuMstanCes we reCoMMend you iMMediately
taKe your FirearM to a qualiFied gunsMith.
After extended periods of heavy use, your firearm should
be taken to a qualified gunsmith to have the action
disassembled for professional cleaning and lubrication.