Winchester Repeating Arms X Pump (SXP) User Manual
Page 22
4. With the “safety” still in the on safe position, return
the firearm to the normal firing position. Press
the disconnector release button and move the
forearm all the way rearward to remove the shell
from the chamber.
never atteMPt to reMove, install or tighten a
ChoKe tube in a loaded FirearM. whenever
reMoving, installing or tightening a ChoKe tube
in a shotgun, always KeeP the MuZZle Pointed in
a saFe direCtion. CoMPletely unload the
shotgun. oPen the aCtion and visually insPeCt
the ChaMber, Feed MeChanisM and MagaZine to
be absolutely Certain the FirearM is
CoMPletely unloaded.
always PlaCe the “saFety” in the on saFe
Position and KeeP your Fingers away FroM the
trigger. Failure to Follow these warnings
Could result in serious injury or death.
do not Fire this shotgun without the CorreCt
ChoKe tube installed. PerManent daMage May
result to the threads inside the barrel.
use only the aPProPriate gauge and tyPe oF
ChoKe tubes, MarKed inveCtor-Plus or standard
inveCtor, dePending on your shotgun.
inveCtor-Plus ChoKe tubes are For use only in
winChester shotguns with baCK-bored barrels,
and are not interChangeable with winChoKe or
standard inveCtor ChoKe tubes. do not use
inveCtor-Plus tubes in barrels threaded For
standard inveCtor tubes.
standard inveCtor tubes are For use only in
winChester shotguns, and are not
interChangeable with inveCtor-Plus ChoKe
tubes. do not use standard inveCtor tubes in
barrels threaded For inveCtor-Plus tubes.
do not use winChoKe, standard inveCtor or
inveCtor Plus ChoKe tubes in any shotgun
barrels not suPPlied by winChester. do
not use any other ChoKing deviCe in any
shotgun barrels suPPlied by winChester
rePeating arMs.
Failure to Follow these warnings May
Cause injury or death and Cause daMage to
your shotgun.