Winchester Repeating Arms X Pump (SXP) User Manual

Page 12

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wear eye ProteCtion when asseMbling and
disasseMbling your shotgun to Prevent sPrings,
sPring-loaded Parts, solvents or other agents
FroM ContaCting your eyes, resulting in injury.

Some metal parts of your new Super X Pump have been

coated at the factory with a rust preventative compound.

Before using your Super X Pump, clean the anti-rust

compound from the inside of the barrel, receiver, bolt

mechanism and the action/chamber areas. A high quality,

lightweight gun oil should be used to remove this

compound and to give your new firearm its first

lubrication. Clean the barrel using a cleaning rod and

patch as explained under “Cleaning and Maintenance

Suggestions” found on page 23 in this owner’s manual.
Before beginning assembly of your Super X Pump you

should first wipe the mechanism clean and apply a few

drops of quality oil on the indicated surfaces (Figure 3).
Avoid applying too much oil. Only a light film is necessary.

Excessive oil should be wiped off, especially in cold








always KeeP the “saFety” in the on saFe Position
unless shooting is iMMinent. always KeeP the
MuZZle Pointed in a saFe direCtion. Failure to

Follow these warnings Could result in serious
injury or death.

The cross bolt “safety” is designed to prevent the trigger

from being pulled when in the on safe position. The

“safety” is located at the front of the trigger guard

(Figure 4, page 11). In the off safe position, a red warning

band is visible on the “safety” button on the left side of the

trigger guard. It is essential that you become very familiar

with the feel, look and operation of the “safety” on this

shotgun before attempting to load and shoot.
To place the firearm on safe, press the “safety” button to

the right (Figure 4, page 11). To move the “safety” to the

off safe or fire position, press the “safety” button to the left.



Oil lightly at these points.

Firing Pin

Magazine Tube


