Winchester Repeating Arms X Pump (SXP) User Manual

Page 14

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wear eye ProteCtion when disasseMbling and
asseMbling your shotgun to Prevent sPrings,
sPring-loaded Parts, solvents or other agents
FroM ContaCting your eyes, resulting in injury.

The Super X Pump shotgun is delivered in the box with

the barrel removed and the forearm attached to the

magazine tube.
1. Remove the barrel and receiver/stock section from the

box and clean and oil them as explained on page 10.

2. Unscrew the magazine cap from the magazine tube.
3. Your shotgun will usually come out of the box with the

bolt assembly in the closed position (forward), with

the trigger assembly already in place in the receiver.

The barrel can be installed with the action closed, but

it is easier if the action has been opened slightly.

4. Unlock and open the action by pushing up on the

disconnector release button at the rear of the trigger

guard (Figure 6, page 13) on the left side and pull back

on the forearm.

5. Grasp the barrel ahead of the barrel bracket.
6. Position the barrel over and in line with the

magazine tube.

7. Slide the barrel rearward.
8. Guide the barrel bracket over the magazine tube and

guide the barrel extension into the receiver. Be sure

that the slot in the barrel aligns with the ejector. As a

guide in assembly, align the rib on the barrel assembly

with the grooves on the top of the receiver.

9. Slide the barrel rearward until it seats in the receiver.
10. Immediately replace the magazine cap. Tighten

it hand-tight (at least three full turns) to ensure

secure engagement.



always KeeP the MuZZle Pointed in a saFe
direCtion. beFore starting disasseMbly
ProCedures, oPen the aCtion and visually
insPeCt the ChaMber to be absolutely Certain
the FirearM is CoMPletely unloaded. PlaCe the
“saFety” in the on saFe Position. Failure to
Follow this warning Could result in serious
injury or death.

1. Depress the disconnector release button, found behind

the trigger guard on the left side (Figure 6, page 13) to

unlock the action without releasing the hammer.

2. Open the action and place the “safety” in the on safe

position. (The red warning band must not be visible.)

3. With the magazine pointed in a safe direction,

unscrew and remove the magazine cap. Be careful, the

magazine spring and magazine plug are retained by a

friction-type retainer.