Winchester Repeating Arms X Pump (SXP) User Manual

Page 15

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wear eye ProteCtion when disasseMbling and
Cleaning your shotgun to Prevent sPrings,
sPring-loaded Parts, solvents or other agents
FroM ContaCting your eyes, resulting in injury.

4. With one hand, grasp the barrel ahead of the barrel

bracket, hold the buttstock with your other hand.

5. Pull the barrel forward to disengage it from the

receiver. Slide the barrel bracket off the magazine.

Do not use excessive force.

6. Immediately replace the magazine cap and hand

tighten at least three turns.



use only shells oF the CorreCt gauge and
length. the gauge and length oF the ChaMber is
insCribed on the side oF the barrel. do not use
aMMunition other than what is insCribed on the
side oF the barrel. exaMine every shell you Put
in your shotgun. Failure to Follow this warning
Could result in serious injury or death and
Cause daMage to your shotgun.
use shells oF the CorreCt length. do not use 3"
or 3½" shells in a barrel with a 2¾" or 2½"
ChaMber, or 3½" shells in a barrel with a 3"
ChaMber. doing so Can result in a builduP oF
dangerously high Pressures. Failure to Follow
this warning Could result in serious injury or
death and Cause daMage to your shotgun.
do not Put a 20 gauge shell in a 12 gauge
shotgun. do not Put a 28 gauge shell in a 20
gauge shotgun. do not Put a .410 bore shell in a
28 gauge shotgun. never Put MetalliC Cartridges
oF any Kind in a shotgun. sPeCiFiCally, never Put
CenterFire riFle or Pistol shells in a shotgun
ChaMbered For .410 bore. Failure to Follow these
warnings Could result in serious injury or
death and Cause daMage to your shotgun.



Press the disconnector release button
to unlock the action.