Winchester Repeating Arms X Pump (SXP) User Manual
Page 24

These notches are a code to allow you to determine the
choke designation while the tube is installed. Rim
notches refer specifically to lead shot. Use the charts on
page 21 to cross-reference from lead to steel, and
determine the appropriate tubes for your ammunition and
hunting/shooting situation.
Several choke tubes are supplied with your shotgun.
The choke tubes listed are also available as accessories.
Remember, WinChoke, Standard Invector and
Invector-Plus tubes are not interchangeable. Invector-Plus
tubes are for Winchester shotguns with back-bored
barrels only. Before removing or installing tubes, or
reading the rim notch code, make sure your shotgun is
completely unloaded.
1. Place the “safety” in the on safe position. Always
open the action and make sure the shotgun is
completely unloaded. Always keep the muzzle
pointed in a safe direction.
2. Use the choke tube wrench to loosen the tube,
turning it counterclockwise. Finger-twist the tube
the rest of the way out of the barrel.
1. Place the “safety” in the on safe position. Always
open the action and make sure the shotgun is
completely unloaded. Always keep the muzzle pointed
in a safe direction.
2. Before installing a tube, check the internal choke tube
threads in the muzzle, as well as the threads on the
choke tube to be sure they are clean. Lightly oil the
threads with a high-quality, lightweight gun oil.
3. Using your fingers, screw the appropriate tube into the
muzzle of the barrel, tapered end first, notched end
outward. When it becomes finger-tight, use the choke
tube wrench to firmly seat the tube.
NOTICE! the ChoKe tube should be PeriodiCally
CheCKed to assure that it is tight and FirMly
seated. beFore CheCKing, Follow all ChoKe tube
reMoval and installation saFety guidelines
Previously outlined.
beFore Mounting a sCoPe, sight or other
aCCessories to your shotgun, PlaCe the
“saFety” in the on saFe Position. oPen the aCtion
and MaKe Certain your shotgun is CoMPletely
unloaded. KeeP the MuZZle Pointed in a saFe
direCtion. Failure to Follow these warnings
Could result in serious injury or death.
Some Super X Pump shotguns are designed to accept a
scope or other optical sight; usually these are turkey and
deer models. The receiver tops of some of these models
are drilled and tapped for scope bases, while some models