Winchester Repeating Arms X Pump (SXP) User Manual

Page 25

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are equipped with a cantilever scope base. If your shotgun

has a cantilever mount, follow the mounting instructions

supplied with your scope rings and/or scope. If your

shotgun’s receiver is drilled and tapped for scope mounts,

four holes (in line, in pairs on top of the receiver) will be

visible. They are fitted with filler screws. If yours is drilled

and tapped you must adhere to the following:
NOTICE! your winChester shotgun is drilled and
taPPed For the Mounting oF bases and rings to
aCCoMModate an aPProPriate sCoPe or sight.
always use the CorreCt bases For this shotgun
with the aPProPriate length sCrews whiCh are
at least



" in length.

1. Open the action and place your shotgun on a table or

other safe/secure location. Protect the finish with rags

or other padding.

2. You should have two Super X Pump-compatible bases

and four screws of at least




" in length. Make sure

your bases are compatible with your Super X Pump.

3. Clean all oil, grease or dirt from the receiver top and

from the scope base parts.

4. Position your shotgun in the upright position with the

top of the receiver upward.

5. Remove all four filler screws from the top of the

receiver using a very small, thin-bladed gunsmithing-

type screwdriver.

6. Pre-position the bases on the receiver top to determine

the best orientation of the bases. Most bases have

transverse grooves cut into them that are offset from

the middle. These are the grooves that the crossbolts in

your scope rings will pass through. The grooves are

offset to allow you to position the bases to fit the

design/length of your scope and the placement of

the scope front to back for proper eye relief. Place

both grooves to the rear, both to the front, or one

in each direction, depending on your scope and

desired position.

7. Once you know which configuration you will use,

insert the screws through the bases and screw them

into the receiver top using the correct wrench or

screwdriver (usually a




" hex wrench). You must

use screws which are at least




" in length to ensure

proper thread engagement.

Many gunsmiths find it helpful to use a drop of

serviceable thread locking compound to assure the

screws stay tight. Make sure the compound does not

get into the action. Be careful to assure that the

threads of each screw engage properly in the threads in

the receiver to prevent stripping the threads in the

alloy receiver.

8. Tighten the screws snugly, but do not overtighten.
9. Mount your scope rings and scope as outlined in the

instructions supplied with your scope rings and/or

scope. Always make sure you have the proper eye relief.