Winchester Repeating Arms X Pump (SXP) User Manual

Page 16

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The most certain way to bulge or rupture a shotgun barrel

is to load a smaller gauge shell into a larger gauge chamber.

The smaller gauge shell will not fall completely through

the barrel; its rim is caught by the front of a larger gauge

chamber or at the larger gauge’s choke. Your shotgun will

misfire (with the chamber appearing to be empty). It is

then possible to load the correct gauge shell behind the

smaller gauge shell. If the shotgun is then fired, the result

will be a so-called “12-20, 20-28 or 28-.410 burst” which

can cause extensive damage to your shotgun and possible

serious injury to you and others.
We can assume no responsibility for incidents which occur

through the use of shells of nonstandard dimension or

those developing pressures in excess of SAAMI (Sporting

Arms and Ammunition Manufacturers’ Institute)

established standards.
All current 12 and 20 gauge Super X Pumps have a 3"

chamber and are designed to shoot all factory 2¾" and 3"

Field and Target loads. The barrel can safely handle both

lead and steel shot. Special rifled choke tubes are designed

for shooting sabot-type slugs.





With the magazine three-shot adapter (plug) removed,

your shotgun holds four 2¾" or 3" shells in the magazine.

SXP models with an extended magazine hold six 2¾" or 3"

shells in the magazine. At a range or other suitable

shooting location, load the magazine to full capacity to

verify the number of shells.

Remember, “total” capacity includes an additional shell in

the chamber in addition to a full magazine.










always KeeP the MuZZle Pointed in a saFe
direCtion. beFore reMoving or installing the
three-shot adaPter, CoMPletely unload the
shotgun. oPen the aCtion and visually insPeCt
the ChaMber, Feed MeChanisM and MagaZine to be
absolutely Certain the FirearM is CoMPletely
unloaded. PlaCe the “saFety” in the on saFe
Position. Failure to Follow this warning Could
result in serious injury or death.
wear eye ProteCtion when reMoving or

installing the three-shot adaPter to Prevent
sPrings, sPring-loaded Parts, solvents or
other agents FroM ContaCting your eyes,
resulting in injury.

The Super X Pump shotgun is delivered with the magazine

three-shot adapter (plug) installed in the magazine,

limiting magazine capacity to two shells in compliance

with federal migratory bird regulations. If you do not wish

to be limited to three shots when it is not required by law,

you can remove the three-shot adapter.