Winchester Repeating Arms X Pump (SXP) User Manual

Page 5

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8 store your FirearM and aMMunition

seParately, well beyond the reaCh
oF Children.

Take prudent safeguards to ensure your firearm does

not become available to untrained, inexperienced or

unwelcome hands. Store all firearms in secure, locked

cases or a gun safe. Keep your firearm unloaded when

not in use.

9 beware oF barrel obstruCtions.

Mud, snow and an infinite variety of other objects may

inadvertently lodge in a barrel bore. It only takes a

small obstruction to cause dangerously increased

pressures that can damage your firearm and cause

serious injury to yourself and others.

beFore CheCKing For a barrel obstruCtion,
be Certain your FirearM is CoMPletely
unloaded, there is not a live shell in
the ChaMber and the “saFety” is in the
on saFe Position.

After assuring yourself that the firearm is completely

unloaded, open the breech or action and look through

the barrel to be sure it is clear of obstructions. If an

obstruction is seen, no matter how small it may be,

clean the bore with a cleaning rod and patch as

described on page 23 of this owner’s manual.


be alert to the signs oF aMMunition
MalFunCtion. iF you deteCt an oFF sound or
light reCoil when a shell is Fired, do not
load another shell into the ChaMber.

If your firearm fails to fire, keep the muzzle pointed in

a safe direction for a minimum of 30 seconds.

Carefully open the action and remove the shell from

the chamber. If the primer is indented, the defective

shell should be disposed of in a way that cannot cause

harm. If the primer is not indented, your firearm

should be examined by a qualified gunsmith and the

cause of the malfunction corrected before further use.

Glance down the barrel to make sure that no

obstructions remain in the barrel. Completely clear

the barrel before loading and firing again. Failure to

follow these instructions can cause extensive damage

to your firearm and possible serious injury to yourself

and others.

11 never insert a shell oF the inCorreCt gauge

into any FirearM.

The gauge of your firearm is marked on the barrel.

Store all shells of different gauges in completely

separate and well-marked containers. Never store

shells of mixed gauges in a common container or in

your pockets. See page 13 for more information on the

correct ammunition for your firearm.