Winchester Repeating Arms X Pump (SXP) User Manual
Page 20

the shotgun is now ready to Fire by siMPly
Moving the “saFety” to the oFF saFe Position
and Pulling the trigger.
never load a shell into the ChaMber or PlaCe
the “saFety” in the oFF saFe Position unless
shooting is iMMinent. always KeeP the MuZZle
Pointed in a saFe direCtion. Failure to Follow
these warnings Could result in serious injury
or death.
1. Place the “safety” in the on safe position.
2 Load a shell into the chamber as explained
3. With a shell in the chamber, you need only move the
“safety” to the off safe position to fire the shotgun.
4. When ready to fire, move the “safety” into the off safe
position, take aim and squeeze the trigger.
5. If you wish to continue firing, pull the forearm
completely rearward until the fired shell is ejected out
of the ejection port.
6. Push the forearm completely forward, transferring
a new shell from the magazine into the chamber.
Your Super X Pump is again ready to fire. Immediately
put the “safety” in the on safe position (with the
red warning band hidden) until you are ready to
fire again.
aFter Firing, or when shooting is no longer
iMMinent, iMMediately PlaCe the “saFety”
in the on saFe Position. Failure to Follow
these warnings Could result in serious injury
or death.
even with the bolt loCKed oPen aFter shooting,
do not assuMe the shotgun is unloaded.
always insPeCt the ChaMber, barrel, Feed
MeChanisM and MagaZine to be Certain the
shotgun is CoMPletely unloaded. Failure to
Follow these warnings Could result in serious
injury or death.
when unloading your shotgun always PlaCe the
“saFety” in the on saFe Position. KeeP the
MuZZle Pointed in a saFe direCtion and your
Fingers away FroM the trigger. Failure to
Follow these warnings Could result in serious
injury or death.