E-flite Piper Pawnee 15e ARF User Manual

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E-flite Piper Pawnee ARF Assembly Manual


The Piper Pawnee entered service in the late 1950s as one of

the first planes to be purpose-built for agricultural spraying and

dusting. While most have been retired from crop-dusting duty,

many are still on the job today towing advertising banners or

serving as towplanes for glider clubs around the world.
E-flite’s Piper Pawnee 15e ARF is a superbly detailed replica

of this aerial workhorse that flies every bit as good as it looks.

Its fuselage and wing outlines are exact-to-scale and perfectly

match the proportions of the full-scale Pawnee. Other realistic

touches include the prepainted fiberglass cowl and belly pan

as well as cockpit instrument gauges and a pilot’s seat. And

like its full-scale inspiration, the Pawnee 15e’s generous wing

area gives it exceptionally forgiving flight characteristics that

are perfect for newer pilots. You can even outfit the Pawnee 15e

with optional flaps and experience exciting short field takeoffs

and landings.

Using the Manual

This manual is divided into sections to help make assembly

easier to understand, and to provide breaks between each

major section. In addition, check boxes have been placed next

to each step to keep track of each step completed. Steps with

a single circle () are performed once, while steps with two

circles ( ) indicate that the step will require repeating, such

as for a right or left wing panel, two servos, etc.
Remember to take your time and follow the directions.

Table of Contents

Specifications ...................................................................... 1

Introduction ......................................................................... 2

Using the Manual ................................................................ 2

Contents of Kit/Parts Layout ................................................. 3

Required Radio Equipment ................................................... 3

Important Information About Motor Selection ........................ 4

Scale Outrunner Setup ......................................................... 4

Sport Outrunner Setup ......................................................... 4

Optional Accessories ........................................................... 4

Required Tools and Adhesives .............................................. 4

Notes Regarding Servos and ESC ........................................ 5

Note on Lithium Polymer Batteries ........................................ 5

Warranty Information ...................................................... 5–7

Landing Gear Assembly....................................................... 8

Aileron Servo Installation ................................................... 12

Flap Servo Installation ....................................................... 19

Joining the Wing Panels .................................................... 22

Rudder and Elevator Installation ......................................... 25

Main Radio Installation ...................................................... 30

Motor Installation .............................................................. 37

Final Assembly .................................................................. 41

Control Throws .................................................................. 43

Range Test Your Radio ....................................................... 44

Center of Gravity .............................................................. 44

Preflight ............................................................................ 45

Flying Your Piper Pawnee ARF ........................................... 45

Instructions for Disposal of WEEE

by Users in the European Union ............................... 46

2007 Official AMA

National Model Aircraft Safety Code ....................... 47