Aileron servo installation – E-flite P-51B Mustang 32e ARF User Manual
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E-flite P-51B Mustang 32e ARF Assembly Manual
Aileron Servo Installation
Required Parts
Wing panel (right and left)
Nylon clevis (2)
Silicone clevis retainer (2)
Receiver battery
Nylon control horn (2)
Servo with hardware (2)
12-inch (305mm) servo extension (2)
2mm x 8mm sheet metal screw with shoulder (8)
2mm x 8mm sheet metal screw (4)
2-inch (52mm) pushrod wire (2)
Required Tools and Adhesives
Covering iron
Felt-tipped pen
Phillips screwdriver: #1
Pin vise
Drill bit: 5/64-inch (2mm)
Hobby knife with #11 blade
Thin CA
Side cutter
1. Use a felt-tipped pen to mark the aileron and
flap servo covers so they can be installed in the
correct direction after they have been removed
from the wing.
2. Remove the flap and aileron servo covers from
the wing. Use a covering iron to seal the covering if
the tape has lifted it from the wing or servo covers.
Set the wing and flap servo cover aside.
3. Prepare the aileron servo by installing the
brass eyelets and rubber grommets in the servo.
Also remove the stock servo horn using a #1
Phillips screwdriver.
4. Apply 2–3 drops of thin CA in each of the
mounting holes for the servo screws. This will
harden the wood and help prevent the screws from
vibrating loose.
5. Mount the aileron servo using the four screws
provided with the servo and a #1 Phillips screwdriver.