Rs-232 mode, Opjopo=jççé, K==oéãçíé=`зенкзд=mêçíçåçä – Barco MatrixPRO HD/SD-SDI User Manual

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MatrixPRO • 16x16 and 8x8 HD/SD-SDI Router • User’s Guide


RS-232 Mode


The MatrixPRO will respond with a “#” prompt when the command processor is ready for a
command. The command syntax is shown below

cmd arg1 arg2 … argn

Please note:

A space (ASCII 32) must be inserted between the command and any arguments
that follow. A space must also be inserted between all argument parameters,
except for the last argument in the chain.

All commands in RS-232 mode must be terminated with a carriage return (ASCII
13). The carriage return will tell the command processor to begin execution of the

Query commands will return the following:



The “=” indicates that a result from a query command is following. The “result” will
follow directly after the “=”. The value of the result will vary depending on the
query command used. A new line will be generated and the prompt (#) will
indicate the system is ready for a new command.

Table B-2. RS-232 Command Syntax




cmd is any valid MatrixPRO command, typically 2 to 6 alphabetic
(non numeric) characters


argument1, argument2, … argument"N" are required or optional
parameters depending on the command used.

carriage return (ASCII 13) terminates the command

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