Metrohm 798 MPT Titrino User Manual
Page 109
3.2 Remote control commands
798 MPT Titrino
105 Mode.Parameter.Calibration.SignalDrift 0.5...2...999, OFF
Mode.Parameter.Calibration.EquTime 0...110...9999, OFF
Parameters for CAL: Criteria for measured value acquisition. Measured value
drift in mV/min, equilibration time in s. OFF means that the corresponding cri-
terion is switched off. If both criterions are on OFF, the measured value is ac-
quired immediately.
If the equilibration time has never been edited, it is automatically calculated by
the instrument to match the drift, see page 19. After it has been edited once, it
remains in force with the set value. Mode.Parameter.Calibration.ElectrodeId
up to 8 ASCII char
Parameters for CAL: Electrode identification. It is classified under calibration
data, see Mode.Parameter.Calibration.SmplChanger ON, OFF
Parameters for CAL: Calibration at Titrino.
With "ON", there are no hold points in the calibration sequence for entries, the
first buffer is measured directly. Mode.Parameter.Calibration.ActPulse first,
all, OFF
Parameters for CAL: Output of a pulse on the I/O line "Activate", see page
167. Mode.Parameter.Sequence.X.Select
method, pause, L4 output,
L6 output, info, stirrer, OFF
Parameters for TIP: Selection of an element for step X (X = 1...30). For the
parameters of the elements see Mode.Parameter.Sequence.X.Method Method
0...999 999, INF
active, inactive,
pulse, OFF
as for L4
up to 16 ASCII characters
Parameters for TIP: Parameters of the elements of TIP.
.Method: Method name of a method available in the user memory or on the
card. Up to 8 ASCII characters.
Pause time in s. INF means infinite. Continue the sequence with
&m $G.
.L4 Output: Warning: A pulse triggered by the limit value monitoring at L4 (pin
3) in a submethod sets an output set to active in TIP to inactive.
.L6 Output: Warning: An activate pulse at L6 output (pin 1) in a submethod
sets an output set to active in TIP to inactive.
Entry of a message which is written into the display. The se-
quence remains in the display with the corresponding message.
Continue with &m $G.