Metrohm 798 MPT Titrino User Manual
Page 103
3.2 Remote control commands
798 MPT Titrino
etc., up to .19
Calculation constants specific to a method. Stored in the method memory of
the Titrino. Operands specific to the sample ( and and val-
ues of common variables ( on the other hand are not stored with the
methods. Mode.Parameter.TitrPara.MptDensity 0...4...9
Mode.Parameter.TitrPara.MinIncr 0...10.0...999.9
Mode.Parameter.TitrPara.VStep 0...0.10...9.999
.MptDensity: Parameter for DET: Measuring point density.
.MinIncr: Parameter for DET: Minimum increment in uL. If the minimum in-
crement is set to 0, measured values are stored vs. time.
Parameter for MET: Volume increment in mL. With "0", there is no
dispensing and measured values vs. time are entered in the
measuring point list. Mode
Parameter.TitrPara.DosRate 0.01...150, max.
Parameters for DET and MET: Dispensing rate for the volume increments in
mL/min. Max. means maximum possible dispensing rate with the Exchange
Unit in current use. Mode.Parameter.TitrPara.SignalDrift pH,U,Ipol:0.5...50...999, OFF
0.05...50...99.9, OFF
Mode.Parameter.TitrPara.UnitSigDrift read
Mode.Parameter.TitrPara.EquTime 0...26...9999, OFF
Parameters for DET and MET: Criteria for the measured value acquisition.
Measured value drift in mV/min (with pH, U, Ipol) or µA/min (with Upol),
equilibration time in s. OFF means that the corresponding criterion is switched
off. If both criteria are OFF, the measured values are acquired immediately af-
ter dispensing.
If the equilibration time has never been edited, it is automatically calculated by
the instrument to match the drift, see page 19. After it has been edited once, it
remains in force with the set value. Mode.Parameter.TitrPara.StartV.Type abs.,
Mode.Parameter.TitrPara.StartV.V 0...999.99
0...±999 999
Mode.Parameter.TitrPara.StartV.Rate 0.01...150, max.
Parameters for DET, MET, SET: Start volume.
If an absolute start volume (abs.) has been selected, the volume in mL is
A relative start volume (rel.) is dispensed as a function of the sample size:
Start volume in mL = smpl size
The factor is valid.
The dispensing rate in mL/min applies to both cases. Max. means maximum
possible dispensing rate with the Exchange Unit in current use.