Metrohm 865 Dosimat plus User Manual

Page 65

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6 Parameters and dosing modes

865 Dosimat plus



The run can be canceled with the [FILL] key. The dosing cylinder is filled

Up to five steps are carried out. A text is displayed on the instrument as a
demand note with each step. The readiness for carrying out the next step
is indicated by the green light of the LED on the Manual Dosing Control-
ler. Advance to the next step with the green [GO] key. If no Safety air
or Diluting volume has been selected (0 mL), then the correspond-
ing steps will not be carried out.


Step 1 (of 5)

Hold tip into waste vessel.

Hold the pipetting tip in a waste vessel and press [Go].

The pipetting volume will be expelled in order to make
room in the pipetting tubing.

Step 2 (of 5)

Lift tip above surface for aspi-
ration of air gap.

Raise the pipetting tip and press [Go].

The air gap will be aspirated.

Step 3 (of 5)

Immerse tip into sample.

Immerse the pipetting tip in the sample and press [Go].

The sample will be aspirated.

Step 4 (of 5)

Lift tip above surface for
safety air gap.

Raise the pipetting tip and press [Go].

The air gap will be aspirated.

Step 5 (of 5)

Hold tip into target vessel.
Sample will be ejected.

Hold the pipetting tip in an empty vessel and press

The sample will be expelled.

The dilution volume will be expelled.

Solutions and buret units
Buret units with or without an integrated data chip can be used for dos-