6 parameters and dosing modes, 1 manual dosing (dos), 1 general description – Metrohm 865 Dosimat plus User Manual

Page 49: Manual dosing (dos), General description

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6 Parameters and dosing modes

865 Dosimat plus



6 Parameters and dosing modes


Manual dosing (DOS)


General description

The dosing mode DOS is particularly suitable for performing manual titra-
tions with indicator. A result can be calculated automatically from the
dosed volume and a result report can be printed out. Different calculation
variables can be defined in advance as parameters. The parameters as a
whole can be saved as a method and then later used where required. We
recommend creating different methods depending on the type of titration
or sample.

Solutions and buret units
Buret units with or without an integrated data chip can be used for dos-
ing. The solution data, such as the concentration and the titer of the solu-
tion, are administered by the 865 Dosimat plus and can be used for calcu-
lating results. This requires that the name of the solution be specified
under Menu


Entering sample data
The sample data sample size and unit can be entered before and during a
determination under Menu

Sample data.

If a balance is connected, then the sample size and unit can be accepted
directly from the balance before or during the determination. This is usu-
ally accomplished by pressing the [Print] key on the balance. Note that
the configuration of the data transfer of the balance and the settings in
the 865 Dosimat plus must match in order for this to take place, see (see
page 35)
. Details concerning configuration and sending of the sample size
can be obtained from the operating instructions for your balance.

Performing a determination
In the dosing mode DOS, a dosing is accomplished in steps by pressing
the [GO] key on either the instrument or on the Manual Dosing Control-
ler. You can use the parameter Dosing ramp to define whether the dos-
ing is to take place at a constant dosing rate, or whether a dosing step
should begin with slowly increasing dosing rate. This is to be particularly
recommended for manual titrations.