Getting started, Equipment you will need, Install the qmaster software – Autocue QMaster Complex User Manual
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QMaster Comple Language-UserGuide.docx 2012-10-02
© 2003-2011 Autocue Group Ltd.
Getting started
This section is designed to get your system setup as quickly as practical so that you can get on with writing and
prompting your scripts. It is written to reflect the most common package that Autocue supplies to customers:
QMaster software, QBox and Contour Design’s ShuttlePRO scroll controller.
If you are interfacing with a newsroom computer system (NRCS) it is essential that
you also have the correct NRCS API manual.
Equipment you will need
Check that the following items have been received:
QMaster software CD
Hardware licence dongle
QBox prompt engine
ShuttlePRO scroll controller
In order to install and operate QMaster you will also need either a desktop computer or a laptop. You will also
require a separate USB or PS2 keyboard to perform initial configuration of your QBox.
If you have an alternative dedicated scroll control device refer to the “Control scrolling of your script” section later
in this manual for information about configuring them for use with QMaster.
If you have also purchased a teleprompter or conference stand to use with the software, refer to the documentation
received with these items for guidance on assembling them.
Different ways to connect the equipment
1 .
2 .
A s p a r t o f a c o r p o r a t e
v i a E t h e r n e t s w i t c h
n e t w o r k
The Getting started section will deal with connecting your computer to a QBox via an Ethernet switch.
Install the QMaster software
Insert the software CD into your computer
Note: Do not insert the hardware licence dongle until after the software has been installed.
Click Install software on the QMaster installation window. Select Install Software. The
Autorun setup dialogue box is displayed.