Generic opc data points, Rsview32 data points – Rockwell Automation FactoryTalk Transaction Manager User Guide User Manual

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Defining Data Points


different OPC servers. Instead, select the new server and add the data points
you want to include.

Generic OPC Data Points

The Generic OPC control connector service is an OPC client and
communicates with an OPC server according to the OPC standards. The
OPC Data Points dialog box allows you to browse a list of the servers
supported by the Generic OPC control connector. If the OPC server supports
tag browsing, then you can browse for the desired OPC items to create data
points. The Generic OPC control connector has full DCOM support, which
allows an OPC server to reside on a remote PC if the DCOM security is set

RSView32 Data Points

RSView32 6.10.16 or higher supports transmitting data via OPC. In
RSView32 6.10.16 through 6.3x.xx, an OPC browse was not enabled.
Therefore, if you are using those versions of RSView32, you must use the
FactoryTalk Transaction Manager RSView32 connector to provide the
browsing capability. If you are using RSView32 6.40.00 or later, you can
use the FactoryTalk Live Data connector (recommended), RSView32
connector, or the Generic OPC connector.

To connect to data points from a RSView32 connector when the project is
not on the FactoryTalk Transaction Manager user interface computer,
RSView32 needs to be installed locally to provide the correct registry keys
to allow remote browsing. (The same is true if using RSView32 6.40.00 or
later and using the OPC connector). In the RSView32 project, use the
RTDataServerOn command to turn on the data server and allow FactoryTalk
Transaction Manager to read RSView32 tags. To provide write access to
RSView32 tags, you must issue the RTDataWriteEnable command.