Rockwell Automation FactoryTalk Transaction Manager User Guide User Manual

Page 160

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FactoryTalk Transaction Manager User Guide


If you must change the FactoryTalk Directory computer location, reboot your

computer to synchronize the Configuration Server with the FactoryTalk Directory

The Configuration Server is the only FactoryTalk Transaction
Manager-specific component that you can apply security permissions to
via the FactoryTalk Administration Console. One Configuration Server
(in FactoryTalk Transaction Manager) is equivalent to one computer (in
FactoryTalk). All configurations that are displayed under a single
Configuration Server will have the same security settings.

For information on product-specific, FactoryTalk Security-related permissions that

are necessary for external components used by FactoryTalk Transaction Manager
(for example, FactoryTalk Live Data), please see the online help for that respective

FactoryTalk Transaction Manager inherits its FactoryTalk Security
settings from the computer that hosts the Configuration Server. These
attributes must be configured using the FactoryTalk Administration

The computer that hosts the Configuration Server may be configured to inherit from a

higher level in the FactoryTalk Directory (for example, the Application or the Area).
For more information, see the FactoryTalk online help.

In addition to the standard Read and Write permissions, FactoryTalk
Transaction Manager also supports one custom action: Start, Stop, and
Assemble Configurations. For more information, see Specifying
FactoryTalk Security Permissions That Allow You to Perform
FactoryTalk Transaction Manager Tasks
(page 162) and Writing
Product-specific Security Privileges From a Previous Release To a File

(page 169).

All productFactoryTalk Transaction Manager-specific privilege
information from previous releases will be ignored in existing
configurations and it will not be converted directly to FactoryTalk
Security attributes. All productFactoryTalk Transaction