Rockwell Automation AADvance Controller Solutions Handbook User Manual

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Document: 553631

(ICSTT-RM447J_EN_P) Issue: 09:

Solutions Handbook (AADvance Controller)

Products Covered

The products investigated and approved:
Programmable Logic Controllers Models: 9110 Processor Module; 9401/2 Digital

Output Module; 9431/2 Analogue Input module; 9451 Digital output module; 9482

Analogue Output Module.
Listed Accessories for use with PLCs: 9100 Processor Backplane, 9300 I/O Backplane,

9801 Digital Input Termination Assembly, Simplex; 9802 Digital Input Termination

Assembly, Dual; 9803 Digital Input Termination Assembly, TMR; 9831 Analogue input

Termination Assembly, Simplex; 9832, Analogue Input Termination Assembly, Dual;
9833 Analogue Input Termination Assembly, TMR 9851 Digital Output Termination

Assembly, Simplex and 9852 Digital Output Termination Assembly, Dual; 9881

Analogue Output Termination Assembly, Simplex; 9882 Analogue Output Termination
Assembly, Dual.

File No: E251761

The AADvance controller investigation and approval is contained in the following file
NRAG.E251761: Programmable Controllers for Use in Hazardous Locations Class I,

Division 2, Groups A, B, C and D.
The products have been investigated using requirements contained in the following

ANSI/ISA 12.12.01-20007, Nonincendive Electrical Equipment for use in Class I and

II, Division 2 and Class III, Division 1 and 2 Hazardous Locations.

UL508, Industrial Control Equipment, Seventeenth edition, with revisions through

and including April 15, 2010.

NRAG7.E251761: Programmable Controllers for Use in Hazardous Locations
Certified for Canada; Class I, Division 2, Groups A, B, C and D
The products have been investigated using requirements contained in the following


CSA C22.2 No 213-M1987, Nonincendive Control Equipment for Use in Class I,

Division 2, Hazardous Locations.

CSA C22.2 No 142-M1987, Process Control equipment, Edition 1 - Revision date


Products Covered

The products investigated and approved:
Programmable Logic Controllers Models: 9110 Processor Module; 9401/2 Digital

Output Module; 9431/2 Analogue Input module; 9451 Digital output module; 9482

Analogue Output Module.