Rockwell Automation AADvance Controller Solutions Handbook User Manual

Page 19

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Document: 553631
(ICSTT-RM447J_EN_P) Issue: 09:


Controller TUV Certification

TÜV Certification

TÜV is the safety certifying authority for an AADvance controller. The AADvance
system is certified to the following standard:

IEC 61508, Part 1-7:1998-2000

EN 50178:1997

IEC 61511-1:2004

EN 50156-1:2004

EN 61131-2:2007

EN 54-2:1997, A1:2006 (†)

EN 61326-3-1:2008

NFPA 72:2007

EN 61000-6-2:2005

NFPA 85:2007

EN 61000-6-4:2007

NFPA 86:2007

(†) The analogue output modules are not certified to EN 54-2.
You can download a copy of the TUV certificate from


The Euro Controller version of the AADvance product is also tested to Q1 Extended
Design levels of ISO 13628-6: 2006 Sub Sea Production Control System.

Certification for use in Hazardous Environments

The AADvance controller has been investigated and approved by UL (UL508) for use

as Industrial Control Equipment in a general industrial environment and for use in

hazardous locations, Class I, Division 2, Groups A, B, C and D. The UL file numbers
are: E341697 and E251761.

File No: E341697

The AADvance controller investigation and approval is contained in the following files:
NRAQ.E341697: Programmable Controllers investigated to ANSI/UL 508.
The products have been investigated using requirements contained in the following

UL508, Industrial Control Equipment, Seventeenth edition, with revisions through

and including April 15, 2010.

NRAQ7.E341697: Programmable Controllers Certified for Canada
The products have been investigated using requirements contained in the following


CSA C22.2 No 142-M1987, Process Control equipment, Edition 1 - Revision date
