Rockwell Automation CS3000 V6.1 MMI FlexPak, GV 3000, Liqui-Flo User Manual
Page 78

Control and Configuration Software V6.1
9.2.3 Setting Up the Trigger
Use the Trigger and Trigger delay/position group boxes in the Trace Signal Setup
dialog box to define a trigger that will begin a data acquisition. You do not need to set
up a trigger if you plan to use Auto or Manual to acquire traces. See section 8.3 for
more information.
To set up trigger, follow these steps:
Step 1. Choose a drive signal you want to use as a trigger from the Signal list box.
Step 2. Choose the trigger operation (if desired) that causes the trigger condition by
using the Operation list box. The available trigger operations are determined
by the drive type. Some examples of trigger operations are: less than, greater
than, and equal to.
Step 3. Choose a trigger level that is to be used by the trigger operation. The units
and normalization depend upon the trigger signal.
Step 4. Choose a trigger position or delay by selecting the appropriate option and
entering a value.
specify how many samples are displayed in the trace
before and after the trigger
For a trigger position of zero percent, the trigger is at
the beginning of the trace (all samples displayed were
acquired after the trigger). For a trigger position of
100%, the trigger is at the end of the trace, a position
of 50% is in the center, etc.
specify the amount of time between the trigger and the
beginning of data acquisition.
The delay is measured in seconds.