Important user information – Rockwell Automation 100 G550...G860 Contactors User Manual

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Publication 100G-IN001A-ML-P - May 2000


Important User Information

Because of the v ariety of uses for the products descri bed in this
publication, those re sponsible for th e a pplication an d use of this
control equipment must s atisfy themselves that all necessary steps
have bee n taken to assure th at each application a nd use meets all
performance and safety req uirements, incl uding any a pplicable laws,
regulations, code s and standards.

The il lustrations, charts, s ample progr ams and l ayout examples s hown
in this gui de are i ntended sol ely for purposes of example. Since there
are many va riables and requirements associated w ith any particular
installation, Rockwe ll Automation does not assum e re sponsibility or
liability (t o includ e intellectual p roperty l iability) for act ual us e based
upon the ex amples s hown in this p ublication.

Rockwell Au tomation pu blication SGI-1.1, Safety Guid elin es for the
Application, Installa tion an d Maintenance of Solid-State Control
(available from yo ur l ocal Allen-Br adley Office), describes some
important differences between soli d-state equipment and
electromechanical devi ces that should be taken into consi deration
when ap plying pro ducts such a s those descri bed in this p ublication.

Reproduction of the contents of this copyrighted publication, in whole
or p art, without w ritten permission of Rock well A utomation, is

Throughout this manual we u se notes to mak e you aw are of safety

Attention statements help yo u to:

identify a hazard

avoid a hazard

recognize the con sequences

Allen-Br adley is a trademark of Rockwe ll Automation



Identifies i nformation about practices or
circumstances that can lead to personal injury or
death, property damage or econ omic loss


Identifies i nformation that is cr itical for succe ssful
application a nd unders tanding of t he product.