Stainless Works Ford Mustang V6 2005-10 Exhaust: 2-1/2" System User Manual

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3. Mark the inner contour of the valence for the larger/ new cutout. Using a carbide

burr with an air grinder, air hacksaw or Xacto knife, cut out the contour for the
new openings. Finish by filing for a smooth surface. Note that you will have to
flip the template over to make the cutout on the other side of the valence. Using
the molding provided, starting at one end of the cutout, place it onto the new
contour. Note that the molding has glue on the inside that will adhere to the
valence once installed. Trim off excess molding. See pictures below of the
finished valence cutouts with molding.

4. FOR SYSTEMS WITH X-PIPE TO HEADERS: Install the X-pipe using two

2.5” Accuseal clamps. The X-Pipe has been left long on the outlet end to provide