User pushbuttons, Buzzer, Reset buttons – Pololu Orangutan SVP User Manual

Page 22: Spi/programming connector, Vcc-vusb jumper, Auxiliary processor i/o block, Current sense outputs, Servo demultiplexer block, Servo outputs

background image

SVP, we solder a 2×8 shrouded header in to the 16 pins highlighted in the diagram. Then the

16×2 character

LCD with backlight


(included with the assembled version, but not the kit

version) plugs in to the lower 7 rows of the connector, as well as the A and K lines on the other side of the
board. If you have a different kind of LCD, consult its datasheet and the

Orangutan SVP Reference Diagram


(82k pdf) to determine the correct

way to connect it.

7. User pushbuttons

The three user pushbuttons can be soldered in at this location.

8. Buzzer

The buzzer can be soldered in at this location.

9. Reset buttons.

A reset pushbutton can be soldered in at this location.

10. SPI/Programming connector

The assembled version comes with a 2×3 shrouded box header soldered in to this location (with the notch pointing
away from the USB connector). This allows you to use an external AVR ISP programmer to program the AVR if
you don’t want to use the integrated programmer for whatever reason. It also provides access to the AVR’s SPI
pins, so you could use this location to connect an SPI device to your Orangutan. A 2×3 female header is provided
for this location.

11. VCC-VUSB jumper

To power the board from USB, install a 1×2 male header at this location and use a blue shorting block to connect
VUSB to VCC. See

Section 11

for more information and caveats about using this jumper.

12. Auxiliary processor I/O block

This block contains the auxiliary processor’s A, B, C, D/RX, and TX lines, as well as several connections to GND
and VCC. You can solder in either the 3×7 male or 3×7 female headers here, or mix and match genders using the
other provided headers.

13. Current sense outputs

If you want access to the analog voltage output of the current-sensing circuitry for each of the motor drivers, you
can solder a 1×2 female header here.

14. Servo demultiplexer block

To access the servo demultiplexer inputs, you can solder a 2×3 female or male header here.

15. Servo outputs

Most servo cables have female ends, so we recommend soldering 3×4 male headers in to the two servo output
blocks. However, if you want to use the demux for something other than servos, the kits has 3×4 female headers
you can use instead.

Pololu Orangutan SVP User's Guide

© 2001–2012 Pololu Corporation

5. Getting Started

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