Mk-scarifier safety – MK Diamond Scarifier User Manual
Page 4

MK-Scarifier SafeTY
aLWaYS keep the Blade and Belt Guards in place. DO NOT operate this machine with any
guard or safety device removed. A Guard, or any damaged part should be repaired or
replaced immediately.
Read and follow all safety, operating and maintenance instructions. Failure to read and follow
these instructions could result in injury or death to you or others. Failure to read and follow these
instructions could also result in damage and/or reduced equipment life. Safety warnings and
guidelines do not by themselves eliminate danger. They are not substitutes for proper accident
prevention procedures and good judgement.
SafeTY MeSSageS
A Damage Prevention Message is to inform the user of important information and/or instructions that
could lead to equipment or other property damage if not followed. Information Messages convey
information that pertains to the equipment being used. Each message will be preceded by the word
NOTE, as in the example below.
DaMage PreVeNTiON aND iNfOrMaTiON MeSSageS
NOTe: Equipment and/or property damage may result if these instructions are not followed.
geNeraL SafeTY PrecaUTiONS aND HazarD SYMBOLS
A safety message alerts you to potential hazards that could hurt you or others. Each safety message is
preceded by a safety alert symbol ( ) and one of three words: DaNger, WarNiNg, or caUTiON.
You WiLL be KiLLeD or SeriOUSLY iNJUreD if you DO NOT follow directions.
WarNiNg You caN be KiLLeD or SeriOUSLY iNJUreD if you DO NOT follow directions.
You caN be iNJUreD if you DO NOT follow directions. It may also be used to
alert against unsafe practices.
In order to prevent injury, the following safety precautions and symbols should be followed at all times!
Form a habit of checking to see that keys and adjusting wrenches are removed from the
power tool before it is turned on.
KeeP WOrK area cLeaN
Cluttered work areas and benches invite accidents.
DO NOT use power tools in damp or wet locations nor expose them to rain. Always keep
the work area well lighted.
aLWaYS read this Owner’s Manual before operating the machine. DO NOT operate or
service this equipment before reading this entire manual. Read and understand all warn-
ings, instructions and controls on the machine. Know how to stop the equipment quickly in
case of emergency. It is the operators responsibility to use this machine under safe work-
ing conditions and conform with federal, state and local codes or regulations pertaining to
safety, air, pollution, noise etc...