MK Diamond Scarifier User Manual
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Congratulations on your purchase of a MK-Scarifier. We are certain that you will be pleased with
your purchase. MK Diamond takes pride in producing the finest construction power tools and dia-
mond blades in the industry.
Operated correctly, your MK-Scarifier should provide you with years of service. In order to help you,
we have included this manual. This owners manual contains information necessary to operate and
maintain your MK-Scarifier safely and correctly. Please take the time to familiarize yourself with the
MK-Scarifier by reading and reviewing this manual.
Read and follow all safety, operating and maintenance instructions.
If you should have questions concerning your MK-Scarifier please feel free to call our friendly
customer service department at (800) 421-5830.
MK Diamond
NOTe THiS iNfOrMaTiON fOr fUTUre USe:
SeriaL NUMBer:
PUrcHaSe PLace:
PUrcHaSe DaTe:
NOTe: For your (1) one year warranty to be effective, complete the warranty card
(including the Serial Number) and mail it in as soon as possible.