Chapter 2 operation, 2 defining a film – INFICON SQC-222 Thin Film Deposition Controller User Manual
Page 21

Chapter 2
2.2 Defining a Film
A film is a material to be deposited, plus all of its associated setup parameters. Keep in
mind that a film can be used in multiple layers, or even multiple processes. Editing a
film’s parameters will cause changes to every location where the film is used.
To define a film, press Next Menu until Film Menu is shown (Menu 3). Press Film
Menu. A list of 25 films (or
use the SQC-222 setup software later to assign descriptive film names). Press Edit to
display the parameters for this film.
I T e r m
F ilm T o o lin g
1 0 0
0 . 7
S e c .
F i l m E d i t M e n u
F i l m
C o n d s .
D e p o s i t
C o n t r o l s
T o
M a i n
P r e v
M e n u
E d i t
P r o c e s s 1 E d it in g : F ilm 1
P a r a m e t e r
V a lu e
U n it s
P T e r m
5 0
N o n e
D T e r m
0 . 0
S e c .
X t a l F a il M o d e
C r y s t a l S t a b ilit y
P o c k e t
C r y s t a l Q u a lit y
H a lt
D is a b le d
D is a b le d
N o n e
D e n s it y
M a t e r ia l
Z F a c t o r
2 . 7 3
1 . 0 8
A lu m in u m
g m / c c
P Term is the proportional gain, that is the % process rate change divided by the %
input power change. The I Term (integral) sums the rate deviations over time to more
accurately achieve the rate setpoint. The D Term (derivative) speeds response to
sudden changes in rate. Volumes have been written on determining the proper PID
settings. See the section on Loop Tuning later in this chapter for a common PID loop
tuning procedure. Start with P=25, I=.5, D=0.
Film Tooling adjusts for differences in actual versus measured thickness for this film
(material). This parameter is seldom used, but can adjust for material specific
dispersion patterns. See Xtal Tooling in the System Parameters menu for the more
commonly used tooling correction.
Pocket selects the source pocket used for this film. This parameter requires that the I/O
Setup section of the System Parameters menu be programmed for pocket relays.