Applications - joinery – INCRA Jig User Manual
Page 7

Applications - Joinery
Fig. 24
Depth of cut - Box Joints
For even more variety,
including Double Dovetails
and Double-Double Box
Joints, the optional Master
Reference Guide and
Template Library contains a
large selection of new
joinery templates. While
designed for the larger 16”
Ultra and LS Positioner
models, the templates can
be cut to length to fit your
New INCRA Jig to provide an
impressive array of styles
and joint types for your
represents one of the most exciting applications
for your new INCRA Jig. Just by applying a little technique
to the extreme accuracy built into your INCRA Jig, you’ll
soon be able to add joinery for box and drawer making to
your list of shop skills. The two included templates will
allow you to produce 3/8” box joints and 1/2” Sliding, Half
Blind, Through and Corner Post Dovetails. The included
variations technique will allow you to produce dozens of
pattern variations on each of the four joint types.
We’ll begin with a look at two simple, but important setup
operations that must take place before using your INCRA
Jig for joint making at the router table. They are:
1. Setting the router bit depth of cut.
2. Centering the bit on your workpiece and
installing the template.
Raise or lower the bit to
slightly greater than the
thickness of your stock
Board to be joined
After installing the appropriate diameter straight bit for the
template pattern selected (3/8” for the included template),
simply raise or lower the bit to set the depth of cut at slightly
greater than the thickness of the stock you will be cutting.
See Fig. 24.
TIP: When making box joints, use a stock thickness equal
to the diameter of the straight bit used to cut the joint.
First: Set bit height to
recommended approximate depth
of cut shown on page 16
Second: Lock upper body to “0”
Fourth: Re-tighten clamps
Fig. 25
Depth of cut - Dovetails
As with any dovetail jig, the depth of cut of your dovetail
bit will determine whether your joint is too loose, too tight,
or just right. Just a little practice using the following steps
will ensure that your dovetail joints will always fit perfectly.
Install the dovetail bit recommended for your template
selection and adjust the bit height to the approximate
depth of cut suggested under the joint diagram for that
cutter, (1/4” for the 1/2”-14
bit or 3/8” for the 1/2”-10
Set the INCRA Jig to zero on the scale and tighten the
clamping knob. Then loosen the base panel clamps and
slide the unit forward until the fence covers about half of
the bit, then re-tighten the clamps, Fig. 25.
Third: Loosen clamps and slide base
panel forward until fence covers
about half of the cutter
First: Clamp two boards to
Right Angle Fixture
Second: Make first cut
at “0” setting.
Third: Move fence back to dimension listed under
“Spacing to Set Depth of Cut” in pattern design
(7/8” for included dovetail template ). Then make
the second cut
Fig. 26
Dovetail test cuts
Test cuts for setting the depth of cut
Clamp two pieces of square cut stock to your Right Angle
Fixture and make a cut at the zero setting. Move the
fence back to a scale reading equal to the “Spacing to
Set Depth of Cut” listed under the diagram for the
selected template (7/8” for the included template) and
tighten the clamping knob. Now, make a second cut on
your stock as shown in Fig. 26.
Set the router bit depth of cut for Box Joints
Set the router bit depth of cut for Dovetails
Bit just
proud of